
About Me

Hello! Come on in. You are very welcome here. I have designed this site for everyone. I am a very ordinary person with a lot of life experience and I have the audacity to think some of what I have learned may be of value to others. For that reason I have recently started writing. My goal is to offer practical advice for peaceful living with yourself, with others and with God.  I hope that you have a helpful, encouraging experience on this website. 

The first thing I started writing was social media posts. See the very bottom of the page for all of the links. I have also started blogging. My topics are rather random, but my goal is that all of them help readers feel encouraged and maybe even peaceful. I offer content aimed at helping others develop happier, more stable relationships. To check out my blogs….

In June, however, I graduated to writing an entire book! It is my debut novel and it is a political thriller. The Great Exposure is hot off the presses! I’d love to tell you more about it. Click below.

You can go to Amazon and Read a few chapters for free. If you start caring about the characters and want to know what happens next, then you know it’s a book that you want to buy. It’s available for Kindle or hard back or paperback. Click below to go right to it on Amazon.