About Me

Hello! Welcome to my website.

I am in the sunrise and sunset of my years.

I am in the sunrise of my writing career. I am in the sunset of my mental health counseling years. I have been married five decades and am the joyful mother of grown children. I am the ecstatic grandmother of two young girls.

In the sunset of my life I am humble enough to say that many know much more than I.  In the sunrise of my writing career I am confident enough to say I know a lot. Most importantly, I am a child of God, following Him step by step in this journey called life.

I simply want to offer you what I know, not as a professional, but as someone who has experienced much.

Come on in and stay awhile.

I hope that you find this to be a comforting and safe place,

A place where you are offered practical advice for peaceful living,

A place where you find grandmotherly love.

A Grandmother with Lots to Share

I thought you might like to know a little more about me and the reasons I am offering content on a website. Part of the reason is that I am at the stage of life where I wish to pass on some of the things I know to as many people as possible. My hope is to give you positive encouragement and blessings.

I did not aspire to be a writer until the very recent past. I hope that in itself may be an encouragement to you.  I see life as a series of seasons. Our calling in each season is a process. Are you interested in hearing more?

Growing Up

I grew up in beautiful rural northeast Ohio in a large family. I was the third born and third daughter of my parents followed by three younger brothers. My two older sisters tended to huddle together so I enjoyed active outdoor play with my brothers. I grew up largely unsupervised and enjoyed freedom to roam the woods, climb trees and also walk or ride my bike wherever I wished all over the hilly terrain of Portage County.

My family was musically inclined and we loved to sing together. When our family took long drives to visit relatives everyone in the family joined in singing various parts. I went to Hiram Local Schools and the highlight of my days included band and chorus, as well as learning all the songs for the operettas performed there. Later, at Crestwood High School I sang in the chorus and played flute in the marching and concert bands. I picked up a very little bit of skill on the guitar. In adulthood I took piano lessons and absolutely loved playing.

Receiving Counseling and Giving Counsel

What I have described above is truly idyllic and I treasure those parts of my childhood. Other parts were not, but those shall remain unspoken. Please be assured that this site is a place for you to receive positive encouragement and blessing, not sad stories. I did experience some really hard things as a child. So have many of you. I have found healing through the grace of God and the love of many good people. My healing took a long time and I received a lot of counseling. My personal need for counseling and the help I received turned into a desire to help others with similar needs. I also gained very much help from the Bible, from prayer, from loving relationships, from books, and from experiences, sermons and from my own personal devotional times with God. If you have unresolved issues, I advise you to try these same resources. I am a licensed professional counselor now, but this website isn’t for counseling. No, I come to you as a Grandmother. They are often the best counselors as they pour unconditional love into their family. They protect, support and teach. That is what I want to do on this site.

Becoming an Author

I have always been an avid reader, but writing was never on my horizon until very recently. I started journaling when I went through a time of self reflection and healing and have depended on it as a coping tool ever since. I frequently thought about writing my life story and that is still a possible goal. When an online novel writing course came my way last year, however, I took on the challenge. I credit Brad Pauquette and the School of Kingdom Writers in Zanesville, Ohio for inspiring and guiding my writing adventures. http://bradpauquette.com/2018/10/introducing-the-school-of-kingdom-writers/. My debut effort is a political thriller called The Great Exposure. It is available on Amazon now https://a.co/d/4fGY0lZ 

I still love the countryside, and was surprised to find it in rural Central Florida. We are content to remain here unless God tells us to move, especially since our two wonderful sons and their wives and daughters live nearby.