Recycle and Find Your Fulfillment

Do You Feel Like an Empty Jar?

Take a look at these jars? What do you see? If you are like most people you will see used and useless  jars that need to go into  the recycle bin. If you have a good imagination  and if you  know how to think outside the box you see something beautiful and useful.

Save your jars. They are too good to throw away. I use them for hot grease, or milk for my tea, or a single serving of leftover soup. Sometimes I have a huge jar of something and put it into two smaller jars. That way the one jar stays fresh while you dip into the other until it’s gone. Some people use small jars in the garage to hold various nails, bolts, fittings. 


When I was a child I spent part of summer vacation at my grandfather’s house. He had a little shelf on the wall. On this shelf was a row of empty baby food jars. They were his bill paying/budgeting center! When he got his pension each month he cashed it. Then he put the amount of money that he needed for each of his bills into a separate jar. Let’s just say that his bills back then were a lot smaller than mine. I certainly could not fit my mortgage payment into a baby food jar. For me, however, it was a great visual and helped me understand the importance of making sure the money is available to pay for your essential obligations.

Do you feel like an empty jar, disposable? Do you feel like you have no value? 

 Do you feel like an empty jar? Do you feel useless? I certainly hope not, but I know a lot of people who do.  Grandpa’s empty baby food jars had little value, but they had purpose. They served a practical purpose. They contained something valuable and so do you!

You have so much value. What skills have you used in the past? Recycle and reapply these skills to find renewed fulfillment!

Spend some time remembering the things that you used to do that gave you joy. Can you pick these interests up again? Can you join a group of people with similar interests and build community? Can you pass along something you know a lot about?

Reset/Recycle/Reinvent yourself!